Wednesday, 25 April 2018

Unapologetically: Living my life on SLFB!

So, I was recently "accused" of living my life on Facebook, or more accurately SLFB.

It kind of got me thinking about what we all choose to share, and what we withhold on SLFB.

I'm not the world's most exciting human being in RL.  I have a pretty busy job, which keeps me out at weird hours, a few close friends, and not much family.  I work at home a bit, so that allows me to be fairly active online.  Apparently this has not gone unnoticed by some.

I share a fair bit of my SLife, and some of RL too, and as far as I'm concerned that's my choice.  I'm a chronic oversharer, probably... guilty as charged... but, honestly, so what?

Yes, you may get bored of my Flickr, and blog posts... or yet another picture of me snuggling my man.  
Guess what, you all have a choice to share what you want, as do I.  You also have another choice... unfollow... unfriend... whatever you feel works for you. 

I promise you one thing... I'm fully aware of the level of annoying I can bring at times  :)  So, zero hard feelings.  It's absolutely impossible to be everybody's cup of tea.  

Maybe something a little cheaper would suit your palate.  Ooooh guuuuuurl, the shade! 

In the immortal words of Lady Sovereign "Love me or hate me, it's still an obsession" ;)

However, you shady-ass hoes got blocked.  No doubt one of your alts can access this blog post!  Knock yourself out!  :)

Laters, haters... Jay <3


  1. You go ahead and block those "shady-ass hoes", who have nothing better to do with their lives than to keep track of your SLFB.

    More power to you!
